Mike sant liked songs on the show
Mike sant liked songs on the show

mike sant liked songs on the show

I'm not sure I understand your reasoning. That last line shows that the Christians artists had in fact LOST talents and skills over the centuries that had been accrued over time from the Greeks and Romans and it wouldn't be until the Renaissance that these skills were relearned! It was no conscious decision to make "abstract" and "flat" mosaics and icons, but rather a lack of skill due to perhaps the iconoclastic period and a severing of the direct line of knowledge from the ancients. They used classical drawings as their models and TRIED to create more convincing illusions of space."

mike sant liked songs on the show

Unlike the flat, two-dimensional work of Early Christian and Early Byzantine artists, Carolingian artists SOUGHT to restore the third dimension. I have always felt that that is wrong though and here is proof."Figurative art from this period is easy to recognize. "My Own Private Idaho" may be a flawed film, but in my opinion, it is one of the very best of the '90's.Previously within this Khan Academy Art History module we have learned mostly that the Byzantine artists and other artists of this early Medieval period CHOSE to make their art flat and "abstract" as an artistic CHOICE. The performances, especially Phoenix and Udo Kier and Van Sant's dream-like direction are what you remember. This is a haunting and very sad tale about friendship and finding a home. Van Sant directed the movie like a dream, which is what Mike's life basically is. It's faux-Shakespearen scenes make the film drag in the middle. The film works on many levels, but does have its flaws. Scott is clearly not gay, but Mike might be and their relationship is what holds the movie together. Why either of them have drifted into this profession is anyone's guess.

mike sant liked songs on the show mike sant liked songs on the show

Mike and Scott (Keanu Reeves) are both male prostitutes in Oregon. This is a movie that shows life at the lowest rung, and is very similar to Kerouac's "On the Road" and especially John Rechy's "City of Night." (In fact the line about becoming a fairy is straight from "City of Night"). Mike wants to find his mother and family, but how or why he left them is never discussed. In his finest performance, River Phoenix plays Mike, a narcoleptic street hustler with false memories of a terrific childhood. "My Own Private Idaho" is about finding a home. This movie isn't about being, or even about being a hustler.

Mike sant liked songs on the show